In addition to a proven, long term supply of lower carbon cementitious solutions such as BS EN 450 Pulverised Fly Ash (PFA), Invicta will supply quality assured Low Alkali Cement imported from one of the world’s largest and modern plants in Turkey by Medcem.
Invicta will focus on cementitious supply solutions from modern manufacturing plants with the additional offering of lower carbon materials, bringing a fresh, innovative and sustainable approach to the binders and extenders market.
Fly ash is widely used to strengthen, reduce water demand and improve workability, shrinkage and permeability of concrete. A low carbon biproduct of electricity production, our quality Fly Ash is obtained by electrostatically or mechanically precipitating the dust granules in the flue gas. It offers a lower carbon extender to traditional cements whilst lowering the CO2 footprint of concrete and compliant with BS 8500 concrete standards.
Produced in compliance with BS EN 450-1 standards, the PFA produced in the factory in Zonguldak and supplied from our terminal in Sheerness complies with the strict requirements of quality control as set out by the standards and the UK certification bodies.